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Generate More Referrals the easy way!

by June Van Klaveren

When asked where new business comes from, most business owners admit that most of their new business comes as a result of referrals. But few have a strategy in place to continue generating those valuable referrals. Here is one of the best ways to generate referrals.

Little things make the biggest difference. When you provide more than expected, your customers will want to refer you to their friends and relatives. The smallest "more than expected" action is the hand written note or thank you note! it's unexpected. It shows you care and are thinking about them. It shows that you're organized and on top of details. It demonstrates that you went out of your way to do something nice. It's easy to show to co-workers and associates. It's easy and inexpensive and can be done every day.

When do you send thank you notes? Frequently, regularly and systematically! Send a thank you note to thank the customer for new business, for meeting with you, for calling to inquire about your service, for a referral you received or for any kind act someone has done for you.

Keep thank you notes on hand and ready to write at any time. Affix stamps to envelopes so they are ready to write, address and send.

Keep the note short, personal and heart-felt.

Try it today! Then let me know how it's working for you.

June Van Klaveren, owner of Compelling Communications, helps her clients attract and keep customers. To contact her, call 800-779-0067 or email


All of these free articles for reprint may be freely published in any e-zine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, website, etc. as long as my name and bio remain in tact. Please when you run my work. Just be sure to NOT edit them in any way and to always INCLUDE the credit line at the bottom. Copyright laws apply!


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- Site updated May 5, 2006

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