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Market When You're Busy!

by June Van Klaveren

How's your business? Busier than ever? How's your marketing? Slower than usual because it's your company's busiest time of year?

Even though you're busy, it's important to market NOW to eliminate the peaks and valleys of business. You may feel you don't have time to produce the marketing activities needed.

The Result - decreased business next month or next quarter.

The Solution - Sit down with your calendar and mark the months you plan to promote your business. Marketing on a regular basis is VITAL to keeping your pipeline full.

Review your past marketing activities. What worked? What didn't? Plan to repeat the successful activities. Want a new idea? Search the internet for ideas that you can adapt to your own needs.

Don't have time to do it yourself? Call a professional for help. (Isn't that what you encourage your customers to do?) Happy Marketing!

June Van Klaveren, owner of Compelling Communications, helps her clients attract and keep customers. To contact her, call 800-779-0067 or email


All of these free articles for reprint may be freely published in any e-zine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, website, etc. as long as my name and bio remain in tact. Please when you run my work. Just be sure to NOT edit them in any way and to always INCLUDE the credit line at the bottom. Copyright laws apply!


Compelling Communications, Inc., Manchester, MO 63011 -- 800-779-0067 - Email
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- Site updated May 5, 2006

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