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Random Acts of Kindness Week

by June Van Klaveren

'Random Acts of Kindness Week' is observed from February 14 to 20. Here are some suggestions for making the most of this week. These six tips are taken from JoAnna Brandi's book "54 Ways to stay Positive" She is a writer, a public speaker and a consultant and is known in the business world as the ‘Customer Care Lady.’
  • Give the person at the drive-thru window a flower the next time you're there.
  • Pay the toll for the car behind you.
  • Give your server a 30% tip for lunch and leave a nice note.
  • Bring a bunch of daises to the clerk at the Motor Vehicle Department.
  • Take a garbage bag and clean up the beach or the park the next time you walk there.
  • Smile at everyone who comes within three feet of you.
How about these random acts of kindness for your customers?
  • Send a self addressed stamped envelope with your invoices to make payment easy for the customer.
  • Mail or email an article of interest to your customer.
  • Send your best customer a gift for "minor" holidays instead of major ones!

June Van Klaveren, owner of Compelling Communications, helps her clients attract and keep customers. To contact her, call 800-779-0067 or email


All of these free articles for reprint may be freely published in any e-zine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, website, etc. as long as my name and bio remain in tact. Please when you run my work. Just be sure to NOT edit them in any way and to always INCLUDE the credit line at the bottom. Copyright laws apply!


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- Site updated May 5, 2006

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