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Tips for Yellow Page Ad Success

by June Van Klaveren
Does it seem like the phone company is ripping you off every time you make the payment for your Yellow Pages ad? The good news is you can make your ad payoff with a few tweaks.

Why many Yellow Page ads don't work:

Poor design
Most ads are designed by busy, Yellow Pages graphic design staff and tend to make the ads look very similar to each other.

Long-term mistakes
If your ad doesn't produce results, you literally pay for your mistakes for the whole year.

Paying for color
Adding colors to your ad is sure to increase your sales rep's commission, but doesn't always increase your calls.

Is it really working?
Unless you track every call, you'll have no data that shows whether or not your ad is working.

Ideas to improve your Yellow Page ad:
Remember your mission. Your #1 goal should be to get a phone call. That's it. If the phone doesn't ring, you're wasting precious money.

Size does count
Your sales rep will show you case studies and results that are quite convincing... bigger ads generate more telephone calls. That may be true, but I say prove it.

The best way to test this theory for your listing is to experiment with different-sized ads. Then, establish a new phone number and carefully track your calls. A simple analysis reveals the true winner... divide the total cost of the ad by the number of calls received. For example, if your big ad sets you back $500 this month and generates an average of 50 calls, that's $10 a call. Yet another smaller ad you've tested sets you back $150 a month and generates 25 calls a month... that's $6 a call. We'd all agree we'd rather pay $6 a call versus $10.

Say, "Call us Now"
-It's been proven that writing, "Call us now on xxx-xxxx" gets you more calls than simply listing your phone number.

Use bullets
People prefer reading bulleted copy points rather than sentences.

Throw away your ego
Don't brag or boast... the only person who cares about you is you. Unless there is a benefit-oriented reason to include your personal photos, use an attention-getting graphic that compliments your headline. Most people are the same way, so let your prospect know how they'll benefit.

Use a benefit headline
Instead of putting the name of your company largest, write a benefit-oriented headline that will catch attention.


June Van Klaveren, owner of Compelling Communications, helps her clients attract and keep customers. To contact her, call 800-779-0067 or email


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- Site updated May 5, 2006

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