Communications, Inc.

Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc. -- January, 2004

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Getting the most out of conferences you attend

This is the time of year when you may be attending educational and industry conferences. Here are a few tips for making the most of your experience.

Attend the conference with a single focus. Attend the sessions that cover your focus, even though others might be attractive.

Before the conference

  • Be sure you are well-rested; spend the night near by if necessary.
  • Set objectives -- what specifically do you want to learn more about?
  • Be sure you take lots of business cards.
  • If this is the type of seminar that has concurrent "breakout" sessions, go over the agenda carefully in advance so you can plan your time and spend it on the sessions that are in alignment with your objectives.
  • Find out who is going to attend the meeting or seminar so you will know whom you want to meet.

During the conference:

  • Participate! The more you participate the more you will get out of it.
  • If you go with a friend or coworker, don't sit with them or attend similar sessions (if there are multiple sessions).
  • Take lots of notes, even if the event is being taped. The physical act of writing the information will help you absorb it.
  • Make a list, separate from your notes, of action items -- specific things that you want to do and/or implement right away.
  • Exchange business cards with other attendees that have synergy with your business. Be sure to make notes on the back of each card about the person and the reason for your interest in them, or you will forget.


Are your marketing plans complete for 2004? If not, call 800-779-0067!


Our site's updated!

If you haven't visited our site to see the new easier-to-navigate design, check it out NOW!

New Features

Slide show on home page shows features projects.

Easy-to-navigate portfolio pages with rollovers samples.

Reorganized and enhanced resources page

New Book Store

Just for Grins

Not hilarious, but guaranteed to make you smile!

Quote of the Month

"If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person."
Fred Rogers (1928-2003)

Van Klaveren to speak at NPMA Southwest Conference

June Van Klaveren will be speaking on Low & No Cost Marketing Techniques at the NPMA Southwest Conference in Albuquerque, NM on January 29.

More info on the conference.


The Edge Up -- Customer Service Book

For more information or to order your copy of The Edge Up by June Van Klaveren, click here. Many companies report that they are using each chapter as the basis for customer service training.

In This Issue



Case Study

Case Study

Challenge: It was a goal of Viva Vacations to create a new individual identity in 2004.

Solution: A new logo reflecting the fun of the vacations booked.

Contact us at 800-779-0067 or

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