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Helping Service Businesses Attract More Clients

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Three Marketing Secrets

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Happy New Year!

Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc.
January, 2003

"So live that you wouldn't be ashamed to
sell the family parrot to the town gossip."
Will Rogers

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FREE Marketing Inspiration 2003 e-book.
Click here to download your copy of this free 135 page book full of marketing ideas from marketing experts throughout the country. Free from Compelling Communications!

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Three Marketing Secrets

Here are 3 New Year's commitments that can help keep your marketing focused!

1. Commit to do it!
Lay out a calendar for the whole year and color code it according to your marketing activities. For example, mark green on the dates you plan to place ads, yellow on the dates you plan to send press releases and orange on the dates you plan to do a direct mailing. Then keep this calendar on your office wall where you can see it every day.

2. Integrate your marketing!
Don't rely on just one avenue for your marketing. Choose three activities that have worked for you and one that you want to try this year. Allocate budget for each.

3. Track the results!
It does no good to spend thousands on marketing if you don't track its effectiveness. Keep a log of why/where new customer are calling. You'll be better able to see what works and what doesn't so you can more effectively plan next year's marketing. Don't draw the conclusion that direct mail, for example, doesn't work after only one mailing. Give it a chance!

Use these 3 marketing tactics to make your advertising more effective and more profitable.

Case Study -
Rottler Christmas Decor

Rottler wanted to increase their Christmas Decor business this year,

Compelling Communications developed the concepts and design for a large, four-color direct mail postcard that was mailed to a targeted audience. This was the only marketing effort implemented for the season.

Rottler's Christmas decor business increased by approximately 80%! Click here to see this postcard!

Need a free evaluation of your marketing materials?

Email to your marketing materials (or fax it to 636-394-6979) for a free evaluation.

Need Marketing Assistance?

Call Compelling Communications today at 800-779-0067 or visit our website at

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