
Compelling Communications

Helping Service Businesses Attract More Clients

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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc.
April, 2003

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)


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Your Audio Logo

What do you say when someone says, "What do you do?" Do you answer, "I'm an accountant" or "I'm a consultant"? Too many people answer the question with their main job function, not what they actually do for their customers -- in benefit language.

Some experts call this your "30-second elevator speech."

You should be able to say in 30 seconds or less what you do for your customers and what they get out of working with you. It should include the solution you provide to your customer's challenges.

Use the following format: "I help ____________ (your market, customers, etc.) who are trying to __________________ (the problem you solve).

The 30-second elevator speech for Compelling Communications is:

"We help service companies who are struggling to attract new customers"

Need help developing your 30-second elevator speech? Give us a call today!

Want to see recent projects produced at Compelling Communications?

FREE Marketing Inspiration 2003
Click here to download your copy of this free 135 page book full of marketing information. Free from Compelling Communications!

Pricing taken off website

Pricing of websites, postcards and logos has been removed from the Compelling Communications website to meet standards in the graphic arts industry. Since all work we do is custom designed, the prices vary according to the extent of the project. If you'd like pricing quotes, call 800-779-0067 to discuss your needs and we'll prepare a price quote promptly.

Case Study - Arch Coal

Challenge: Arch Coal needed to represent the company to potential investors by means of an updated PowerPoint presentation.

Solution: We created a new color palette and original template for the presentation. It was developed so Arch Coal could continually update it as needed.

Results: The program was developed and delivered electronically in just under 4 days.

"The Creative Group referred us to Compelling Communications for help in the development of a new Powerpoint design with a variety of chart and graph treatments. We were pleased that Compelling Comunications delivered a fresh look in a very short turnaround!" Kim Link, Sr. Communications Specialist, Arch Coal.

Need a free evaluation of your marketing materials?

Email to your marketing materials (or fax it to 636-394-6979) for a free evaluation.

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©2003 June Van Klaveren. "Gems” newsletter is published by Compelling Communications.
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