
Compelling Communications

Helping Service Businesses Attract More Clients

In this

Case Study


Marketing Tip

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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc.
June, 2003

"Nothing happens until you sell something."

Jeffrey Gitomer


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Wear Your Advertising

Newspaper ads too expensive? TV out of the question? Try having customers WEAR your ads. Logos and slogans printed on shirts, hats, even underwear is a hot trend in advertising. People in the ad biz call them "wearables."

The most recent figures show the use of advertising wearables in the United States is up 25% to $12 Billion.

There is a big increase in the number of companies that allow casual dress days. That is a great opportunity to get your wearable message in front of lots of people in a particular industry. Prospects are much more likely to consider and purchase business services and products if they get your ad message while they are at work (as opposed to when they are driving or sitting around the house).

Check your local yellow pages under "advertising specialties." It is not unusual to find a small home-based shop producing top notch T-shirts and jackets. If there isn't a supplier near you, email us and we'll forward information on our suppliers.

Thanks to Kevin Nunley for this tip!


Kevin Nunley's Marketing Site

Guerilla Marketing

Marketing Magic

Want to see some of the projects produced at Compelling Communications this month?

FREE Marketing Inspiration 2003
Download your copy of this free 135 page book full of marketing information. Free from Compelling Communications!

Keep Marketing

Small businesses tend to stop marketing when business picks up. Then they begin marketing frantically when business slows down.

The solution: do a moderate amount of marketing consistently to keep the business pipeline full.


Case Study - Rottler Pest Control Expands Newsletter

Challenge: Rottler Pest Control, a long-time subscriber to the Newsletter Art Package from Compelling Communications, wanted a vehicle that would carry more detailed information about their service and company.

Solution: We expanded their one-page newsletter into a four-page document to be mailed to their customers four times a year. Our services included copywriting, design, photography, employee interviews and printing.

Results: Rottler indicates that they are pleased with the newsletter and have received positive comments from their customers.



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Email to your marketing materials (or fax it to 636-394-6979) for a free evaluation.

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