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The Process

ProcessMany clients and prospective clients have asked just how we produce our outstanding marketing materials, so we've put together this brief description of the process we go through and the client's role in it. Once you've decided to use the services of Compelling Communications, Inc., there are several phases in the development of your project. The process of designing any marketing / communication tools is very much like building a building. With a sufficient planning, we can make this process efficient and pain free, even while working over large distances. To provide maximum information for our clients and to insure understanding on all sides, this section leads you through a tour of the development process, from initial information gathering through completed project. For projects that do not involve design or printing, please call 800-779-0067 and we'll verbally review the process for these projects.

Planning - Compelling Communications & Client

Effective design begins with planning. In this phase, Compelling Communications, Inc. works with you to determine your target audience, objectives, project expectations and needs. This is done through a phone consultation or face-to-face meeting. At this point, Compelling Communications, Inc. will provide a quote so you'll know exactly how much your project will cost. We ask for a deposit of 50% of the design fee at this time.

Information Gathering - Compelling Communications & Client
Information about your company, services and products helps us complete your project efficiently. Through a phone interview or face-to-face meeting, we will gather all the information we can to help us create a project you'll be proud to use. You can help by collecting and mailing to us any printed information before we conduct our interview. That way, we can fully understand the information you've already distributed. If you have photos that you'd like to include in your new project, be sure to mail them as well. If you don't have photos or illustrations, don't worry. Compelling Communications, Inc. can use its vast resources to obtain photography for you.

Copywriting - Compelling Communications
Based on the information we've gathered in the first two phases, we will begin to write copy for your project. We will fax or email the copy to you for your complete review. Careful review and revision at this early point in the process saves you money in the long run. If you have written your own copy, this phase will be eliminated.

Design - Compelling Communications
This critical phase entails the translation of the content into a visual form that complements and enhances your current corporate "look." We combine creativity and design skills with knowledge about consumers to produce a project that best represents your business. Based on the information gathered in Phase 1 and 2, Compelling Communications, Inc. will design your project, incorporating photos, illustrations and copy. We furnish three design choices for your project. You may choose the one that best meets your expectations.

Proofreading - Client
Compelling Communications, Inc. carefully proofreads all work, but occasionally you may want to change the verbiage just before finalization. We provide a digital proof online at our site for your review. Three revisions are included in the quoted price. Any revisions beyond that will be billed at an hourly rate.

Printing - Compelling Communications or Client
We have an extensive network of printers that have been carefully screened for quality, service and price. So if you'd like your project completed and shipped to your door, we can have it printed and shipped. You'll love the quality of the printed pieces and the price as well.

On the other hand, we can send your project to you on CD and you can use one of your local printers.

The choice is yours!


Compelling Communications, Inc., Manchester, MO 63011 -- 800-779-0067 - Email
Copyright 2006. Site best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
- Site updated June 21, 2006

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