Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from 
June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc. -- August, 2006


This issue of The Edge Up is centered around finding out what your customers really think of your service or product. If you haven't surveyed your customers, it's time to seriously consider finding out any concerns or comments they may have.

June Van Klaveren

Feature Article

Do you know what your customers think of your service or product?

Good customer service contributes to the success of any business. Even though new customers are important, good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat business. But how do you know if your customers perceive your service as excellent as you intend it to be?

A customer satisfaction survey will confirm what your customers think and will demonstrate that you care about them, are listening and are proactively looking to improve your service. Validation and feedback are the prime purposes of customer surveys, according to companies.

With follow-up, customer surveys can be your most effective tool for increasing business and turning prospects into loyal, repeat customers. Your customers get an opportunity to think and talk about what you do for them, which underscores and articulates your value.

You also have a chance to identify your competitive differences and strengths in the marketplace.

Want to know more? Email or call 800-779-0067.

Case Study
Customer Survey Gets High Response
DA Exterminating in New Orleans was preparing for a government certification in which one of the requirements was to conduct a customer survey. Because the company had never surveyed its customers, management was anxious to learn what their customers really thought.

A 12-question survey was mailed to 2500 random customers along with a self-addressed, postage-free envelope and a coupon for a free appetizer at a local restaurant. The results were then tabulated, analyzed and a book of results was presented to the company.

  The average  response rate for surveys is 1-2%. Over 25% of the DA customers surveyed returned the form and about 64% of respondents took the time write comments on the forms as well. Information will be used as a basis for changes to marketing and other procedures.

"We never expected the high percentage of response we received from the survey.
Let me say, you went above and beyond. The report is so well organized. This kind of feedback is priceless and we can glean tons of useful information from it. Thanks so much again."  Chris Caire, Owner, DA Exterminating
Welcome to New Affiliate
We are pleased to announce a strategic affiliation with Advanced Business Solutions, owned by Angela Schaefer. Angela provides research & writing of articles, virtual assistant services, special event planning and much more. Angie and I worked together several years ago at Whitmire Research Laboratories, Inc. (Whitmire MicroGen) and it is a pleasure to work with her again. She is a member of the Home-Based Women Entrepreneurs.

Speaking Engagements
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
June Van Klaveren will be speaking:

October 19, 2006 -- Window Covering Association of America
512 Marie Lane, Ste. 120
Manchester, MO 63011
800-779-0067 - 636-394-4148

Articles in this newsletter are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without written permission. To request reprint permission, call 800-779-0067.
This issue of 
The Edge Up includes:

--Feature Article
--Case Study
--Customer Catcher Cards
--What we do
--Upcoming speaking engagements
--New affiliate

"They say. . ."

"We can believe that we know where the world should go. But unless we're in touch with our customers, our model of the world can diverge from reality. There's no substitute for innovation, of course, but innovation is no substitute for being in touch, either." -- Steve Ballmer

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." --Bill Gates

This Month's Favorite Links

If you're looking for a customer service video to use in your training sessions, check out this site!

JoAnna Brandi & Co is in business to help create a Customer-Caring company that thrives, where your employees are motivated, customers are loyal and competitors are nervous. Lots of great information on this site.

Customer Service Week is the first week in October. Check out this site for ideas of how you can bring fun to the workplace that week and honor those on the front line.

Check out our web site
Go to our web site & see samples, learn about our processes, find FREE marketing information  and more! Check it out! Click here! Or click the underlined entries below to go directly to samples!

Here are some of the projects we've produced for our happy clients!

Featured Service: Newsletters

Book Design

(Click on #5 & 12)Booth Graphics 
(Click on #2, 7 & 8)


Business Cards
(Click on #4)

Campaign Materials

Catalog design

CD Design

(Click on #10)

Corporate Folders

Customer Service Consulting


Direct Mail Campaigns


(Click on # 1 & 4) 


Franchise Materials


(Click on #13)


Line Art

(Click on #6)

Magazine Design


(Click on #11) 

Marketing Consulting



PowerPoint Program Development

(Click on #9) 

PR Consulting

Press Releases

Public Speaking

Web Sites 

YP Advertising

The Edge Up Available as E-Book
If you haven't picked up your copy of The Edge Up yet, it's now available as a pdf e-book. Cost is just $9.95. Visa/MC accepted. Just email us with your phone number. We'll then contact you for your credit card number and provide access so you can upload your book through the link we'll provide. The book includes customer service ideas for companies of any size!
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