Communications, Inc.

Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas
from June Van Klaveren, Compelling Communications, Inc. -- April, 2004

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Three Myths about PR & Marketing

Sometimes we think we know what works and what doesn't when it comes to marketing. Here are six myths about PR and Marketing . . . to give you something to think about.

  1. Cute ads are memorable. That may be true -- but do you remember the product advertised by your favorite "cute" ad?

  2. Products and services sell themselves. Not always. People need a reason to buy your product or service and they need to be reminded!

  3. Any PR is good PR! NO! Good PR about your business will benefit you far more than bad PR!

Just for Grins

Top ten oxymorons from
10. Pretty Ugly
9. Head Butt
8. Working Vacation
7. Tax Return
6. Virtual Reality
5. Dodge Ram
4. Work Party
3. Jumbo Shrimp
2. Healthy Tan
1. Microsoft Works


"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." -Warren Buffett


Book Review

Radical Leap by Steve Farber

The business world is ready for an entirely new approach to leadership, and Steve Farber has written the perfect book to energize business leaders and help them make the leap into Extreme Leadership. In fact, taking a giant “L.E.A.P” forward is exactly what Farber prescribes. What exactly is an extreme leader? One who cultivates Love, generates Energy, inspires Audacity, and provides Proof. In his exciting and innovative new business parable, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, Farber explores an entirely new leadership model, one in which leaders aren’t afraid to take risks, make mistakes in front of employees, or actively solicit employee feedback—all for the purpose of changing the world for the better. His book dispenses with the typical, tired notions of what it means to be a leader.


Great Links This is a great alternative to onsite computer backups. It enables you to backup your PC to a remote site, is very affordable and includes terrific customer service. This is a digital photo processing site. Great pricing, service and product.

In This Issue


Case Study


Other News

Case Study

Challenge: Darlene Smith, owner of Smith Exterminating near Houston, needed a professional piece to provide to a realtor. The realtor's program involved giving free pest control service to all his new home buyer customers. He requested a feature/benefit flyer from Darlene.

Solution: Using the company's colors of red & black, we were able to write, design, print and ship flyers in under 10 days to meet the realtor's deadline.


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For more information or to order your copy of The Edge Up by June Van Klaveren, click here. Many companies report that they are using each chapter as the basis for customer service training.

Want to see other new projects from Compelling Communications?

  • Promotional Postcard for Earth & Wheel Pottery
  • Paul's Pest Control Brochure

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