Communications, Inc.
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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- August, 2004

Marketing Mistakes

Here are three mistakes that we see repeated in marketing of all kinds.

Mistake #1. Running an ad one time only and declaring it ineffective. One of the most important words in advertising is REPETITION! Readers (or listeners) don't give their undivided attention to every ad they see -- so repeating it increases the chances that it will be noticed! And it increases the chance that it will motivate someone to call or visit your business.

Mistake #2. Avoiding marketing that requires an investment. Most small businesses look for the most inexpensive methods of marketing. However spending a moderate amount can drastically impact business. Remember the old adage, "You Get What You Pay For."

Want a list of low cost, yet effective marketing ideas? Check out 1001 Marketing Ideas for People Who Hate to Sell by Rick Crandall.

Mistake #3. Procrastinating on creating your marketing materials. The solution -- call Compelling Communications! We create marketing materials painlessly and effectively!

(Click photo to see enlargement)

Case Study

Challenge: The City of Manchester, MO had submitted an extensive Plan of Intent to annex an area east of the city. The challenge was to inform/persuade residents in that area of the benefits of annexation though written materials. Many individuals believed that the only benefit of annexation was free trash pickup.

We designed a two color, economical oversized postcard with a compelling headline with photos providing the subtle message. Information about public meetings was included on the back of the card.


"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."


Just for Grins

Real Classified ads

"A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms."

"And now, the Superstore - unequaled in size, unmatched in variety, unrivaled inconvenience."

"Auto Repair Service. Try us once, you'll never go anywhere again."

Sample Projects

Click the links to see samples of projects we've completed this past month.

Rottler Newsletter
Rottler mails over 7000 newsletters every quarter to their customers and prospects.

Rhodes Chemical Newsletter
Rhodes sends this newsletter out through the mail and electronically every 3 months.

UPFDA Membership Survey
We were contacted by UPFDA (United Producers, Formulators & Distributors Association) to conduct a phone survey of members. The survey was developed and conducted and results presented to the association's board.

Great Links

Top 100 Inspiring Anecdotes and Wisdom

If you're looking for a quick "pick-me-up" of great inspirational quotes -- visit

Free PowerPoint Templates

This site provides many fresh PowerPoint Templates that are easy to customize.




Manchester Hires Compelling Communications for PR Services
The City of Manchester contracted with Compelling Communications to produce PR materials and communicate information on a proposed annexation issue. Services include direct mail, presentation preparation and PR.

"Mapping Your Way to Customer Satisfaction"
June will be presenting a training session for the ESPW EXPOsed on September 11 entitled "Mapping Your Way to Customer Satisfaction."

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