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Case Study
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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- September, 2004

Marketing Tips

  • Join forces with a noncompetitive company to coproduce a newsletter and send it to your own mailing list as well as the other company's list.

  • Keep stamped postcards handy in your briefcase so you can write & send postcards in down time like waiting at airports, waiting for appointments, etc.

  • Include your business card in every piece of mail you send out, including your bill payments.

  • Include testimonials from satisfied clients in your brochure and web site.

  • Consider digitizing your brochure so you can send it out on disk or post it to your web site.

  • Write at least five different headlines for each letter you write, then choose the most effective, based on an informal survey of your coworkers.

  • Develop a press kit containing photos, interviews, brochures, and background information.

  • Have your picture taken every year if you are a public speaker so you always have an up-to-date photo to send ahead of your presentation.

  • If you hear nothing positive from a customer, ask if the service/product worked out.

  • Spend at least an hour a week surfing the internet to find competitive information or just fresh, new ideas.

  • Have your business cards printed on both sides. Include a list of services or products, or your mission statement on the back. Print it near the top of the back of the card, leaving room at the bottom for notes.

Case Study

Challenge: Manchester United Methodist Church needed a way to promote a series of six concerts. A brochure and a poster would fulfill the purpose, however, the budget was limited and would not allow two separate promotional items.

We designed a combination brochure poster as shown above and produced the piece in 4-colors to fully show visually and verbally the details of these exciting concerts. Said one choir member who saw the piece, "We'll have to sing even better to sound as good as this looks!"


"People who are only good with hammers see every problem as a nail."
-Abraham Maslow


Just for Grins

The scene: It's 1882 and a hot, dusty summer day in Dodge City. Suddenly at the edge of town, appears a 3-legged dog astride a large white horse. Women and children run in fear. The 3-legged dog rides up to the saloon and goes inside. He walks to the bar and says "gimme a shot of red-eye". Shaking and quivering the bartender pours a glass of whiskey. The 3-legged dog throws it back and says "gimme another". Shaking and quivering, the bartender pours another. The 3-legged dog slams it down and turns to look at the crowd. The Sheriff makes his way through the crowd and faces the 3-legged dog. "We don't get many 3-legged dogs around here, what's your business?" The 3-legged dog pushes away from the bar and says "I'm looking for the man who shot my Paw."


"Mapping Your Way to Customer Satisfaction"

June Van Klaveren presented a training session for the ESPW EXPOsed on September 11 entitled "Mapping Your Way to Customer Satisfaction."

AAA Hires Van Klaveren for Seminars
The Missouri AAA Club has hired June Van Klaveren to present customer service seminars to the Customer Care Department in November. She will facilitate the program entitled, "L.A.F. Your Way to Happy Customers."

Dixon Exterminating and Quality Pro Services Hires Compelling Communications for Yellow Page Ad Design
Dixon Exterminating of Thomasville, GA and Quality Pro Services in Florence, KY have contacted Compelling Communications to create new and dynamic Yellow Pages ads. Watch a future newsletter for details.

TFE Design to Get New Website
TFE Design, St. Louis, MO, will soon be on the internet with a new website designed by Compelling Communications. More details later!

Great Links
Online dictionaries. Bookmark this link! It contains all the dictionaries and references you'll need to research nearly any topic.

Affordable tradeshow booths.
If you need an affordable tradeshow booth, this is the place. Not only are they affordable, but the quality and service are great as well.

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