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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- October, 2004

Don't Ignore Marketing to Women

According to Fast Company magazine women control about 80% of household spending, and using their own resources, they make up 47% of all investors. They buy 81% of all products and services!

Eighty percent of the checks written in the US are signed by women. 40% of all business travelers are women. Women are responsible for 51% of all travel and consumer-electronics purchases.

As well as direct buying power, we influence 85% of all automobile purchases.

It is estimated that by 2005 there will be 4.7 million self employed women, (up 77% from 1983.)

"We don't have time to shop around. We want to make a value choice and then stay with a supplier that helps us grow and is concerned about how we feel," says Joanna Brandi of

Do you focus your marketing efforts toward women? If not, you should!


Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away - and barefoot.

Case Study

Challenge: Dixon Exterminating in Thomasville, GA wanted to enlarge their presence in the Yellow Pages directory and consulted Compelling Communications about creating an eye-catching ad. They wanted a professional, yet hometown feel to the ad.

Solution: Using a professional photographer, the Dixon family "posed" for photos that could be used in the ad. Adding the eye-catching photo, caption beneath it and benefit-oriented bullet points, the ad is created using a benefit headline that, alone, tells the story.

Other Projects -- We created this website to enable users to upload files to this full-color short run printer. -- We updated this colorful site with new paintings & features.

Just for Grins

Outrageous Country Song Titles

"Don't Cry On My Shoulders Cause Your Rustin' My Spurs"

"I Would Have Writ You A Letter, But I Couldn't Spell Yecch!"

"I'd Rather Have a Bottle in Front of Me than a Frontal Lobotomy."

Marketing Central Developed

When you visit our website, you'll notice a new feature -- Marketing Central for Pest Management Companies. Clicking on the button will take you to a page devoted entirely to information applicable to marketing pest control services as well as other industries. Watch for our Marketing Materials Evaluation interactive feature to be active soon.

Great Links
Business Owners' Idea Cafe. A fun approach to serious business. Lots of great resources for small businesses presented in an attractive format.

Small Business Advocate
Jim Blasingame hosts this site that contains articles on nearly any topic relating to small business.

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