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Case Study
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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- November, 2004

Referrals - Gold for Your Business

Referrals are effective because they come from a credible source who has experienced, first hand, what it's like to do business with you.

Referrals are also free, an attractive marketing strategy for small companies on limited budgets.

Often people will say to their customer, "Is there anyone you know who would benefit from using my services?" And most customers will answer, "Not that I can think of right now."


"Know anyone who. . ." questions are too broad and result in few referrals. Narrow the reference pool by being more specific with your questions.

Have a conversation something like this. You ask, "Mary, you're a member of xxxx association." Mary responds, "Yes, I am." You ask, "Do you go to their meetings regularly?" "Yes, most of the time," Mary says. You ask, "Is there anyone in your association that you believe could benefit from my services? Maybe one or two people you've known in the group for awhile?"


The difference in this conversation and the normal "know anyone who. . ." patter is that Mary can visualize a narrower group of people and visualize your services or products. She is more likely to give you names of her associates when you ask specific questions.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
Just for Grins

Real signs:

  • On a Plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed."
  • Pizza Shop Slogan: "7 days without pizza makes one weak."
  • At a Tire Shop in Milwaukee: "Invite us to your next blowout."
  • On a Maternity Room door: "Push. Push. Push."
  • On a Fence: "Salesmen welcome! Dog food is expensive."

Case Study

Challenge: Enviro-Tech wanted a Yellow Pages ad that reflected their professionalism and their services.

Solution: A clean Yellow Page ad detailing services and providing a professional image was created. This ad will be tailored for several other books as well, using the same elements and copy.

Other Projects

Members of the AAA Customer Care Department at the Regional Headquarters in St. Louis enjoyed June's L.A.F. Method of Handling Complaints and Conflict workshops last week.

Home-Based Women Entrepreneurs held roundtable discussions at its November meeting with one of the tables being hosted by June Van Klaveren.

In the News

Marketing Central was promoted in the PCTonline newsletter and the Pest Control Magazine's online newsletter.

Our News

Site updated: The website of Compelling Communications is constantly being updated with new features! The home page now sports a science news feature that updates every day.

June Van Klaveren's book, The Edge Up, was reviewed on the Customer Service Point by Erwin Steneker, owner of the site located in the Netherlands.

PCT Magazine has invited June to write three articles in 2005 for the magazine.

Great Links If you are trying to decide on holiday gifts -- check out this site from Borders. Using a series of sliders, you select the qualities of the person for whom you are shopping. You'll then receive a list of books that meet that criteria.
Another in a long line of auction sites but this one has several unique features, such as 3 minute live auctions. Good if you love shopping and have the time!

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