Communications, Inc.
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Case Study


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Monthly Marketing and Customer Services Ideas from June Van Klaveren,
Compelling Communications, Inc. -- December, 2004

Networking during the holidays? You bet!

December is perhaps the best month to network as you entertain guests or go to other events. Networking is about developing relationships, not just handing out business cards. Many times, at networking events, we feel we must make small talk. But there's a better way. Get people to talk about themselves, their families or their business with questions like the following.

  • How did you get started in business?
  • What do you enjoy most about your profession?
  • What separates you and your company from the competition?
  • What advice would you give someone just starting in business?
  • What do you see as the coming trend in your industry?
  • What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do business?


"In any project, the important factor is your belief. Without belief there can be no successful outcome. William James

Just for Grins

Real signs:

  • On a Towing Company: "We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows."
  • On an Electrician's truck: "Let us remove your shorts."
  • On a Taxidermist's window: "We really know our stuff."
  • At the Electric Company: "We would be delighted if you send in your payment. however, if you don't, you will be."
  • At a Propane Filling Station: "Thank heaven for little grills."

Our News

Site updated: The website of Compelling Communications is constantly being updated with new features! The home page now sports a science news feature that updates every day.
Compelling Communications offers TV commercials.
In an arrangement with Redtown Productions, Compelling Communications now offers an innovative leasing program to bring ready-to-air network-quality television advertisements to local and regional companies at a fraction of the cost of production. These high-impact television advertisements can help stimulate new and repeat business by generating leads, raising name recognition, and support other methods of marketing already in place.

Happy Holidays!

Today ... I wish you a day of ordinary miracles . A fresh pot of coffee you didn't make yourself. An unexpected phone call from an old friend. Green stoplights on your way to work. The fastest line at the grocery store. A good sing-along song on the radio. Your keys right where you left them.
Click here to see your holiday card!

Happy Holidays from Compelling Communications!

Case Study

Challenge: This growing, dynamic women's organization holds a gala fundraiser, anniversary event each January. The theme for 2005 is "Imagine Infinite Possibilities" and they wanted the keepsake ticket to reflect the theme.

Solution: With the client, we decided to engage a photographer and model to take a photo exactly as we envisioned. We then applied a treatment to the photo using muted coloration and printed it on a glossy paper. Pertinent details are found on the back of the ticket.

Other Projects

Lewis Pest Control website
AmeriCare Bucks

FREE marketing materials evaluation

If you wonder how your marketing materials compare to the ideal, try a new feature on our site. You can evaluate your marketing materials, providing a numerical rating for each criteria, click Calculate and receive a numerical score and that score's interpretation. Evaluate brochures, websites, business cards, forms, ads, press releases and newsletters. Give it a try NOW!

While you're on our site, check out the new MARKETING CENTRAL page.


Great Links
Want your picture on a postage stamp? How about your logo? At, you can upload your file and purchase some nifty large stamps to make an impression on your clients.

Want to learn to play the harmonica? Here's the site for you!

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